the dirty truth about your home

The Dirty Truth

READY? There is no avoiding this. There are no short cuts. And there is definitely no “sweeping this under the rug.”

Our lived-in houses are dirty! Let’s face it! We’re busy living our lives and don’t even notice the spider homes in ceiling corners, the layer of dust hugging our chandelier or all the scuff marks on the back door from kicking it open while holding an armful of groceries. And have you ever met ANYONE who thinks cleaning is fun? I can’t say that I have.  So we ignore it and eventually even stop seeing it.

This topic is just plain BORING! But it’s one of the most important things you can do to sell your home for top dollar and quickly. WHY? Because potential buyers view a spotless house as a home that has been well maintained in other areas too! They worry less about surprises and trust the current homeowner more. They also begin a mental “to-do list” the moment they drive up and park the car. Keeping the list short puts more money in your pocket.

As a home stager, cleaning is so important that I’ve actually devoted a whole information sheet on this dreaded topic for homeowners wanting to sell. I’ll just summarize it for this post but if you’re interested in the checklist, please don’t hesitate to ask me it.


This is a priority. WHY? Because potential buyers form an opinion within 15 seconds of driving up to your home. If their impression is being pleasantly surprised, they’re likely to have a good attitude about the inside of your house too. If they get a “ho-hum” impression, they will already be set to find other flaws inside! It happens instantly so seize the moment!

To have great curb appeal, you have to start working on this at least a month before listing your house. Trees may need to be trimmed, grass may need to be reseeded. Colorful flowers either in the ground or in pots need time to grow and get full.


I have a Golden Retriever and I love Elsie dearly. However, she leaves her nose prints on the storm doors and any windows she can reach to look out at the neighborhood activity. 

Even if you don’t have a dog, daily dust and dirt needs to be cleaned off, inside and out. Screens should be rinsed too or even taken off to make the windows glisten more!

Light Fixtures

Clean the bugs out. Wash the glass parts. Dust the metal parts. Remove the layer of dust on top of the ceiling fan paddles. Chandeliers are penthouse living for spiders so webs be gone.


Polish ALL woodwork: Crown molding, door and window trim, baseboards, and floors.

I like Murphy’s Oil Soap but there are many good wood cleaners to choose from.


Have all carpeting professionally cleaned. I wish I could have my carpet cleaners come every month to my house but I try for every six months. Maybe I should be switching that to a seasonal schedule. Hmmm.

Window Treatments

Hire professional cleaners, dry-clean, launder or hand-wash. This may help neutralize any hidden odors in your house as well. 

Kitchens & Bathrooms

These rooms need ceiling to floor washing and scrubbing. Oil build-up from frying is everywhere in kitchens. Isn’t that gross? But it’s the dirty truth. And for bathrooms, well, you know why that needs super cleaning.

Don’t forget the small stuff! Polish door, window, and kitchen cabinet hardware. Also clean faucets, vent covers, and light switch plates.

I know, not fun stuff to do but so, so necessary! My method? First I have a Coke (I normally avoid caffeine) and then put on some loud music and off I go!

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